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Join EasyWebSuite's Affiliate Program and start earning $100.00!

Do you know a real estate agent who does not have a website and would like to start one?  In this day and age, almost 75% of prospective clients use the Internet as their information source for home searches.  Don’t let them miss out on this market, help them tap this client base and earn commission for yourself by simply joining our affiliate program.

Refer one of our EasyWebRealEstate or EasyWebSmallBusiness products, and your colleague/friend will appreciate the great service and savings they will get, plus you make $100.00 in the process!  It’s that easy!  Sign up today and do this part-time to earn extra income, or become a full-time affiliate and earn substantially more.

Join for Free

There is no cost to join the EasyWebAffiliate program.

The first step to earning more money is to simply review the terms and conditions, and then fill out the form below. One of our representatives will contact you shortly.

The second step is to refer this great product to your colleagues and friends.  Once they appreciate how great and useful this service is, and sign up for a site, all you need to do is sit back and wait for your money in the mail.  How else can you earn $100.00 that easily?

Terms and Conditions

The agreement set forth in the terms and conditions govern your participation in our Affiliate program. As the Affiliate, you, or the applicant to the program, shall agree to the following conditions and terms that specify the eligibility of fees paid to you, the time of payment, tax reporting, and miscellaneous conditions set forth.

"Affiliate", "You", "Referrer" is the applicant joining the program in order to receive fees.
"New customer", "referral", "referred" is the client signing up for a website service.

Eligibility of Fees

Any person who is interested in promoting our line of EasyWebSuite products is eligible for referral fees.  The individual must fill out a sign up form (located on our website) and join the program to become an affiliate, in order to receive referral payment.  The newly referred customer, who signed up for an EasyWebSuite package, must indicate on their order form the affiliate's name at the time of purchase, in order for the Affiliate to receive payment. Failure to do so may disqualify that new customer as a referral.

Time of Payment

All referral fees will be paid on the 25th of each calendar month for the previous month's referrals, as long as the new customer's account is past its 30 day trial period.  This will prevent premature cancellations.  In the event that the trial period has not expired for the new customer's account, the Affiliate will be paid during the next payable cycle. Payments will be made to the Affiliate by cheque, and sent to the Affiliate's mailing address.  It is up to the Affiliate to ensure the correct mailing address we have on file.  EasyWebSuite will not be responsible for lost or stolen mail. Resolution of Affiliate overpayments may be deducted from future payments, or direct reimbursement by the Affiliate may be required.

Tax Reporting

The Affiliate shall be responsible for reporting all referral fees to his/her appropriate taxation authorities as required by law.  EasyWebSuite will not be held responsible for misrepresentation made by the Affiliate.


The Affiliate is an independent contractor and is not an employee of EasyWebSuite.  This agreement does not form any permanent partnership or joint ventures between the Affiliate or EasyWebSuite.  EasyWebSuite reserves the right to terminate this agreement due to breach of contract or any other means not yet for seen.  The Affiliate may at any time terminate this agreement, and must provide written notice.  Any referrals obtained after cancellation date will not be paid to the Affiliate.  Fees owing to the Affiliate at the time of cancellation will be paid during the next billing cycle.  If termination of agreement between the Affiliate and EasyWebSuite was due to breach of contract, the Affiliate will forfeit any referral fees owing, and any future subsequent fees.

By joining the referral program, the Affiliate understands and accepts the terms and conditions as laid out in the above.

   Affiliate Signup Form!  
      Simply fill out the form below and one of our staff members will contact you shortly!

          Personal Information  
First Name* Last Name*
Company Phone*
Affiliate Code Email
 * Required Fields are marked with an asterisk


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  A Division of WCS Solutions IT Services